The Start..

In September 2008, Fr. Noel and Vince Farrugia had a dream of forming a youth group within the parish of Attard. In January 2009, after the Archbishop’s pastoral visit, a group of 15 youths accepted the invitation to start meeting up and plan for this. The aim was to form a group to be led by youth for youths.

In February 2009 these group of youths, that started calling themselves the core team had their first meeting. These meetings continued to be held every week with team building sessions, discussions on individual expectations and roles as well as to identify the aims and objectives of the group. After some time of discussion, the core team came up with the group’s name: YouthReach. The group name was inspired by its mission statement:

To create a youth community, to encourage, guide and support youths to grow in their relationship with self, family, others and God.

Our Aim

Youth days are times that focus on both personal and social growth. One passes from several changes and there are several different and new opportunities that one has yet to experience. The aim of the group is to create a youth community where youths are encouraged to find their true selves, feel comfortable being themselves and also can grow their relationships with self, others and God.


On the 1st October 2009, the group had its first meeting. From that day on the group kept meeting each week, creating a community and great experiences.

Meetings are held every Tuesday at 6.15 pm at the Attard Youth Centre. Meetings vary ensuring that each member in the group can relate to the different subjects discussed. In addition, each meeting and activity is organised by a sub-group. A sub-group is a small group made from members and core team members and together they plan the meeting or activity they are assigned too. Weekly meetings vary from heated discussions to competitive games and quizzes, hikes, BBQs, sports, adorations and informative sessions. At times YouthReach invites experienced speakers to intervene on specialised subjects. Also, YouthReach organises live in’s, retreats and fundraising activities.

Who Can Join and How

All youths aged 13 to 18 years old can attend YouthReach, there are no formal applications to start attending the group. We make sure that each person feels welcome in the group. You can visit our Facebook page, send an email or talk to us through our live chat if you need to ask any questions.