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YouthReach 13+ & 16+: Show and tell
27th April, 2021 at 18:30 - 19:30

Aħsbu f’xi ħaġa li b’xi mod għenitkom matul din l-aħħar sena, eż. xi ħaġa li tħobbu tagħmlu jew li ma timmaginawkomx mingħajrha – ladarba se tkunu d-dar din mhux bilfors tkun xi ħaġa żgħira /materjali, eż. tista tkun xi kamra fid-dar, mużika , ecc…tistghu tkunu kreattivi kemm tridu 

Flimkien se naqsmu dawn l-affarijiet bejnietna 

Zoom link will be sent via email. For those who are not members yet, send us a private message and we will send you the link.
See you next week!
**YouthReach is a youth community within the parish of Attard. We organize regular weekly meetings, every Tuesday at 6.15pm for youths with ages 13 to 18**
- Date:
- 27th April, 2021
- Time:
18:30 - 19:30
- Event Category:
- General
- YouthReach
- Phone:
- 99999761
- Email:
- info@youthreachmalta.org
- Website:
- https://youthreachmalta.org