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November 2020
YouthReach 16+: Immigranti
Attard, Malta + Google Map
L-imigrazzjoni: Suġġett li jġib ħafna opinjonijiet differenti, kif ukoll emozzjonijiet b’saħħithom. Madanakollu jipprovdi nuqqas kbir ta’ soluzzjonijiet!
Find out more »YouthReach 13+: Time management
Attard, Malta + Google Map
“Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder ...
Find out more »January 2021
YouthReach: 16+ The Beauty within Me
Attard, Malta + Google Map
This Tuesday we shall be reminding ourselves that we are all BEAUTIFUL ♥️
Find out more »YouthReach 13+: Abortion
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Ma taqbilx?
Imma għaliex?
Ejja niddiskutu flimkien.
**YouthReach is a youth community within the parish of Attard. We organize regular weekly meetings, every Tuesday at 6.15pm for youths with ages 13 to 18**
Find out more »February 2021
YouthReach 13+: Go MAD
Attard, Malta + Google Map
How often do you go m.a.d? Oh even the little things count... We shall explore the power we all have to change the world! Even if it is the smallest of things 😉 Who has made a difference in our world, in our lives? Join us!
''We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.'' ~ Mother Teresa
YouthReach: Dealing with Adults
Attard, Malta + Google Map
As a youth, you may feel that expressing yourself with adults is not your strength and you’d rather keep it all inside.
In such moments it's important to remember that communication is key! Especially with your parents and adults who would strive to see you reach the brightest stars and fill your lives with their support and love.
This meeting will be led by Mr Steve Libreri, a social-worker who specialises in parent-child relationships. He shall be providing a safe space where we can discuss various issues related to growing into adulthood.
April 2021
Youth Reach 13+: Anxiety Workshop
During the months of April and May, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is launching the mental health campaign Trust Yourself to Talk: Anxiety is this you? as part of its ERYICA programme for 2021.
Youth workers from Agenzija zghazagh shall be delivering this meeting 😁
YouthReach 16+: Anxiety Workshop
During the months of April and May, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is launching the mental health campaign Trust Yourself to Talk: Anxiety is this you? as part of its ERYICA programme for 2021. Youth workers from Agenzija zghazagh shall be delivering this…
Find out more »January 2022
YouthReach 13+: The meaning behind a song
Attard, Malta + Google Map
The Meaning Behind a Song This Tuesday we shall be delving into the beauty and thought behind one of the most popular songs ever made. What did the singer want to evoke by the song? What effect does it have…
Find out more »January 2023
YouthReach 13+ & 16+: Scrooge!
Attard, Malta + Google Map
With the new year with us, come and let us discuss the past, the present and the future. What are your thoughts on 2022? How do you feel at the start of a new year? What are your hopes and dream for 2023?
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