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July 2018
Sinodu taż-Żgħażagħ
Attard, Malta
“A better world can be built also as a result of your efforts, as youths, your desire to change and your generosity. Do not be afraid to listen to the Spirit who proposes bold choices; do not delay when your…
Find out more »Our Travel Experiences
Attard, Malta
We all have travelled somewhere around the world...and its an amazing feeling xD Next Thursday we will be sharing our experiences xD With you please get a memory from you favorite holiday and memories that we can share together :)…
Find out more »August 2018
The Last 24 Hours
Attard, Malta
"Iċ-ċens xi darba ser jiskadi!" X'inhu l-aħjar...? Tkun taf meta wasal iż-żmien jew le? Jekk hemm xi ħaga fiċ-ċert fil-ħajja tal-bniedem hija l-mewt li tiġi darba biss, u meta ma nafux. Fil-fatt iktar difficli li titwieled milli li tmut. Imma…
Find out more »Disconnect to Connect
Attard, Malta
September 2018
Attard, Malta
January 2019
Team Talk
Attard, Malta
Deaf and Sign Language
Attard, Malta
What does it mean to be deaf? Are there any limitations the Deaf encounter in every day life? Is sign language universal? Do all Deaf people have Deaf parents, and where do Deaf people go to school? How do Deaf…
Find out more »February 2019
Important People and their Inventions
Attard, Malta
Artificial Intelligence
Attard, Malta
March 2019
Team Talk
Attard, Malta