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August 2017
What is our reality?
Attard, Malta
Have you ever wondered whether your perceptions of reality are in actual fact real? Is your reality, everyone else's reality? Or is it just an illusion? We invite you to join for this session where we shall embark on discovering…
Find out more »Expressing faith through art
Attard, Malta
Maybe art is not everyone's cup of tea ... and really, faith isn't everyone's cup of tea either. But when faith and art combine, that's when magic happens! During this one and a half hour, YouthReach shall be presenting to…
Find out more »September 2017
Il-Valur Intrinsiku tal-Hajja
Attard, Malta
Gieli staqsejt lilek inifsek jekk hux qed tahdem biex tghix jew qed tghix biex tahdem? Meta nqisu li l-hajja hi daqs tant qasira, jista jkun li kultant l-iskop tal-hajja jibdel is-sinifikat tieghu biex nisodisfaw il-ferh taghna? Nhar il-Hamis ser nidiskutu…
Find out more »October 2017
Attard, Malta
Do you consider yourself a superstitious person? If you answered no, are you telling us you don't mind walking underneath a ladder or own no lucky charms? If you answered yes, it's a good thing we won't be holding the…
Find out more »Ethics of Life
Attard, Malta
The light that guides you will not divide you - making the right choices in life, relationships and workplace. Join us for this meeting and together we will explore the ethics in our lives and how they affect us.
Find out more »November 2017
Medical Marijuana : The highs and the lows.
Attard, Malta
"Federal and state laws (should) be changed to no longer make it a crime to possess marijuana for private use." ~ Richard M. Dixon~ Lately, we have heard a lot about advantages of marijuana use. Debates into whether it should…
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