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October 2022
YouthReach 13+ & 16+: Breast Cancer Awareness activity
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Next week we shall be doing a small campaign for awareness for pink october. We encourage you to attend. Wearing something pink shirts is encouraged. **YouthReach is a youth community within the parish of Attard. We organize regular weekly…
Find out more »YouthReach 13+: Career choice
Attard, Malta + Google Map
I would like to be a Vet, an Architect, a Policeman, a Lawyer... From a young age we all desire to be someone we probably admire. But when it comes to choosing our real work career, what do we imagine…
Find out more »YouthReach 16? : Pick up and discuss
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Nhar it-Tlieta ser niltaqgħu fiċ-Ċentru Parrokjali fejn ser niddiskutu għażla ta’ suġġetti magħżulin minnkom. Fl-istess ħin ser inkunu qed ngħinu lill komunita’ tagħna billi nippreparaw xi djarji f’isem id-Dar tal-Providenza **YouthReach is a youth community within the parish of Attard.…
Find out more »YouthReach 13+ & 16+: Cleanup
Attard, Malta + Google Map
November 2022
YouthReach 16+: Public speaking
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Who’s brave enough to go on a stage, in front of a room full of people and deliver a speech? You are! You just need some tips and encouragement and you will be able to make it as well 😊…
Find out more »YouthReach 13+: DIY
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Let's do it together! Things to get: Scissors Pva glue 5 A4 crepe papers (any colour, can mix colours too) A4 cardboard x2 (e.g. from cereal box) You can also get some buttons, bows, ribbons etc. **YouthReach is a youth…
Find out more »Public event: Youth adoration
Attard, ATD 1026 Malta + Google Map
Nhar il-Gimgha niccelebraw quddies tas-18.30 flimkien gewwa l-Knisja Parrokkjali ta' H'Attard, u wara naghlqu b'mument ta' adorazzjoni u talb. Hekk kif beda Novembru, it-tema maghzula, Hajja jew Mewt? Narawkom.
Find out more »YouthReach 13+ & 16+: Social time
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Time for some social time. We shall meet at Youth Centre for a night of games, chatting and relaxation. See you! **YouthReach is a youth community within the parish of Attard. We organize regular weekly meetings, every Tuesday at 6.15pm…
Find out more »YouthReach 13+ & 16+: YouthReach session
Attard, Malta + Google Map
This Tuesday will be a different kind of meeting, set up to get to know each other through different exercises. We kindly ask you to get a cushion on which to sit. We truly hope to see most of you!…
Find out more »YouthReach 13+ & 16+: Christmas decorating
Attard, Malta + Google Map
It’s that time of the year to introduce some Christmas vibes in our Youth Centre. Next Tuesday we will be putting up Christmas decorations and will prepare some Christmas cards to be distributed to children found in centres who welcome…
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