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July 2022
YouthReach 13+ & 16+: End of exams/ Beginning of Summer party
Attard, Malta + Google Map
YouthReach 13+ & 16+: Laqgha Agenzija Zghazagh
Attard, Malta + Google Map
As part of the Council of Europe campaign called ‘Democracy Here, Democracy Now’, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ takes the opportunity to create human rights awareness, establishing meaningful youth participation and dealing with the impact of digitalisation among young people. The workshop aims…
Find out more »YouthReach 13+: Movie Night
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Fancy a movie night with friends? Join us on Tuesday, 19th July, 2022 at the Attard Youth Centre. Let’s chill and enjoy each other’s company. Don’t forget your popcorn! We recommend bringing your own snacks and drinks. Important: Movie starts…
Find out more »YouthReach 13+: Hudli Ritratt
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Hudli Ritratt! Il-laqgha ta' nhar ta' Tlieta ser tkun proprju fuq il-fotografija, u l-gmiel li jgib mieghu dan il-passatemp, ghal uhud ukoll xoghol. Inharsu fejn inharsu madwarna, specjalment waqt xi btala, naraw lil kulhadd lest biex jiehu ritratt, halli tassew…
Find out more »YouthReach 16+: Debate
Attard, Malta + Google Map
In general we have opinions on every topic that comes along, but sometime we may refrain from showing that opinion. This Tuesday you have the opportunity to show your opinion! We shall have different topics and we want to know…
Find out more »August 2022
YouthReach 13+: Quiz – Il-Festa tagħna
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Viva Viva St. Marija Ix-xahar ta’ Awwissu huwa marbut mal-festa ta’ Santa Marija, liema festa hemm marbuta kemm aspetti reliġjużi kif ukoll dawk kulturali. Hsibna li għal-laqgħa ta’ nhar it-Tlieta niċċelebraw il-festa differenti mis-soltu permezz ta’ quiz li ser jiġbor…
Find out more »YouthReach 16+: Dar Hosea
Attard, Malta + Google Map
Dar Hosea hija NGO (għaqda mhux governattiva) li tipprovdi kenn u appoġġ professjonali lil nisa li bħalissa jinsabu fit-triq tal-prostituzzjoni. L-għan aħħari ta’ din id-Dar hu li dawn in-nisa jiksbu d-dinjità tagħhom u jibnu ħajjithom mill-ġdid. Fil-laqgħa tagħna li jmiss…
Find out more »YouthReach 13+ & 16+: Youth Mass!
Attard, ATD 1026 Malta + Google Map
Youth Mass | Quddiesa fid-9 t' Awwissu, organizzata u animata minn leaders u membri ta' YouthReach bhala parti mil-kwindicina tal-festa tar-rahal taghna ta' Santa Marija. Fiha se jkun hemm gabra ta' ikel u prodotti sanitarji f'gieh Dar Hosea u s-servizz…
Find out more »YouthReach 13+ & 16+: Bahar
Next week we are meeting on Saturday rather than Tuesday for a fun time at the beach. We are planning to go in the morning from 8:30am sharp from St. Catherine's to take the bus to Xrobb l Ghagin, Marsaxlokk…
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