YouthReach 16+: Reflections

Believe in our ability to rise above whatever challenges we may face in life, OR we can give in to limiting beliefs and an endless string of excuses.

This Tuesday we meet together to find some quiet time exploring our inner souls and thank God for the beauty inside each one of us and for what we have and sometimes take for granted.… Read More

YouthReach 13+: Time management

“Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder …… Read More

YouthReach 16+: Immigranti

L-imigrazzjoni: Suġġett li jġib ħafna opinjonijiet differenti, kif ukoll emozzjonijiet b’saħħithom. Madanakollu jipprovdi nuqqas kbir ta’ soluzzjonijiet!
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YouthReach 13+: Minute to win it

Minute to Win It, is a well-known international game show. Players are involved in a number of 60-second challenges.
A minute passes by so quickly, so join us to bring out your enthusiasm, conquer these challenges and try to keep up with your inner sportsmanship.… Read More

YouthReach 16+: Careers

I would like to be a Vet, an Architect, a Policeman, a Lawyer… From a young age we all desire to be someone we probably admire. But when it comes to choosing our real work career, what do we imagine ourselves doing everyday for a number of years?… Read More