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November 2017
Ħolm fil-Bibbja
Attard, Malta
“U ħolom, u ra sellum wieqaf fl-art bil-quċċata tiegħu fis-sema.” (Ġen 28:12) “Araw, ġej dak li joħlom.” (Ġen 37:19) “Danjel ħolom ħolma, u kellu dehriet f'moħħu waqt li kien mimdud fuq friexu.” (Dan 7:1) “Deherlu anġlu tal-Mulej fil-ħolm u qallu:…
Find out more »January 2018
Christian Stereotypes
Attard, Malta
How do people see Christians from the outside? What are the typical stereotypes that surround Christians? Join us and let's all discover the typical stereotypes that surround Christians and which of the stereotypes are true or not. Keep Reaching :)
Find out more »Animal Rights
Attard, Malta
Do you love animals? Are you tired of seeing animals getting hurt and abused without knowing what you can do to help? Want to know more on what rights animals here in Malta have? Want to learn the best way…
Find out more »February 2018
Team Talk
Attard, Malta
"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." ~ Ryunosuke Satoro We often refer to YouthReach as our second family, and that's because it's very important to all of us. As our mission statement says; YouthReach is a…
Find out more »March 2018
The Common Good
Attard, Malta
“If you are lucky enough to do well, it’s your responsibility to send the elevator back down.” – Kevin Spacey We are not individuals but we are part of a larger community. This Thursday we shall have a discussion about…
Find out more »Emotional Intelligence
Attard, Malta
We've all had what we call bad days and good days. We may be under pressure or having a rough time in our lives, and sometimes in result, it also effect other people . We often call this a bad…
Find out more »April 2018
Il-Fqir f’Malta
Attard, Malta
Mela f’Malta hawn il-faqar? Imma dawn it-tort taghhom ghax foqra? Il-LEAP u entitajiet ohra kif jistghu jghinu? Dawn huma ftit mill-affarijiet li se niddiskutu il-Hamis li gej :) Inghaqdu maghna :)
Find out more »May 2018
Laqgħa mal-Isqof
Attard, Malta
Bħala parti miż-żjara pastorali ta' l-Isqof fil-paroċċa ta' H'attard, l-Erbgħa 2 ta' Mejju ser ikun hemm djalogu dwar iż-żgħażagħ bejn iż-żgħażagħ infushom u l-Isqof. Nistednukom tattendu!
Find out more »Taboo
Attard, Malta
June 2018
Mental Health
Attard, Malta
Jien u int għandna l-istejjer tagħna, stejjer li jagħmluna min aħna llum. Xi kultant ikun hemm aspetti mill-istejjer tagħna li ma nkunux irridu nuru għax jimbarazzawna u minħabba f’hekk nistgħu nippruvaw naħbu dak li nkunu għaddejin minnu u nsibuha diffiċli…
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