You know how December brings so many mixed feelings. Our days seem to be full, in preparation for Christmas. We need to decorate the house, do some Christmas shopping, catch up with family and friends. For some, then come along the much needed for Christmas holidays. There’s just something so warm and magical about Christmas you can’t really explain. Then we go to the midnight mass, eat some turkey the following day, and a week later count the countdown, with some sparklers in hand whilst singing Auld lang syne.
And before you know it, it’s January. A new year has begun. The weather seems to know the bizarre notion of being the first month of the year is. The air outside is cold to the marrow. The clouds are thick and the sun sometimes doesn’t shine through.
It’s January when that feeling of impending doom approaches as exams are behind the corner, and new resolutions come into place. It’s January when you realise it was premature to procrastinate till January. For it is us who dictate our timeline and see beginnings and ends.
It’s January which gives you hope for new beginnings and change. And although January is just another month, if it helps you try something new, or focus more, then let it be the longest month of the year for you. For before you know it you’ll have the shortest one coming up.