Unfortunately for most of us, summer has come to an end.  However, this end brings us the beginning of a new scholastic year. Whether starting your first year or your last, going back to school after holidays is an adventure for everyone. 

For many people, the beginning of school is anxiety-inducing and stressful. Here’s a few ways you can combat this stress:

  1. Talk to friends about your worries this year. Whether its stress about exams or meeting new people after covid, I assure you that you are not the only person experiencing it!
  2. Stay organized. Write a time-table or even just reminders, but keep track of what you have to do, it will definitely help you throughout the year.
  3. Studying, studying and more studying! A new year, means new material. To avoid leaving a bulk of work for the last minute, studying a bit every day can allow you to dodge that.

May God bless you this school year!