CoreTeam is welcoming on board three new members in its CoreTeam: Christina, Kyle and Julia.

A month ago, we received an unexpected request from a 25 year old young leader from Ħal Balzan to join our CoreTeam. Following our initial meeting with Christina, we all said, “oh yes – she would be an amazing leader”, as we believe that her previous experience with youths and her profession as a social worker would be a huge asset for both youth groups and our CoreTeam.

At around the same time, CoreTeam was undergoing an evaluation of its leadership base and discerning on how it can stay afresh with today’s youth environment. This led to an invitation for two of our members, Kyle and Julia, to start attending CoreTeam meetings and become new leaders of the group.

Kyle, 18 years old, and Julia, 17 years old, are both from Attard and have been attending the pre-adolescent group since their Confirmation, making them two of the group’s most committed members to this day. Today, Kyle is a first-year university student aspiring to become a doctor, whilst Julia has started her second year at Junior College and will be sitting for her A’levels next May.

Whilst Christina has already attended a couple of meetings this past month, Julia and Kyle started attending CoreTeam last Monday.

We are delighted to welcome aboard these three amazing youths as part of the CoreTeam and we can’t wait to see YouthReach grow and evolve further with the presence and talents of our new leaders.